8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru
8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru
8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru
8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru

«Добрый понедельник»: помощь фонду бездомных животных

«Добрый понедельник» для приюта «Найда»
The Naida Animal Assistance Fund has worked in our hometown Borovichi for some years now". The Fund is a group of people who united for an overarching goal to find home for all homeless pets in our town. It could seem to be a pipe dream. But if there is the kindest desire it has a chance to come true. Evgeniy and Marina Antonovs are long-time friends of the Naida Sanctuary. For example, they participate in the Kind Monday Campaign – on Mondays any person can bring pet food for pets the Fund takes care of. Employees of the Fund were happy to see big food packs from the Antonovs family at the doors of the sanctuary. Now they don't have to worry about food for their fluffy "dwellers". You can join a similar campaign run by sanctuaries in your town or just buy a Myakishi toy. We will donate a part of its price for homeless pets care.