There are the following methods for cleaning soft toys at home:
1. Soft toys can be washed by hand or in a typewriter (set to delicate mode) at a temperature of 30 degrees. Choose a mild detergent specifically for wool and delicate fabrics. In this case, it is better to turn off the spin. To prevent the toy from shedding, you can add citric acid. And it is better to dry them hanging. Cleaning knitted toys is complicated by the fact that wool, in contact with water, can shrink slightly and, therefore, deform when dry. After rinsing the toy, squeeze it slightly and straighten it, slightly stretching the knitted fabric along its length (in case of shrinkage). Dry the toy in the fresh air or place it on a warm (not hot, up to 40 °!) Battery for quick drying.
2. If you are afraid that the toy will lose its appearance upon contact with water, you can wipe it with a damp cloth, sponge or brush soaked in soapy foam. Soak a sponge in soapy water and gently clean the stuffed toy, being careful not to absorb too much liquid. Rinse the sponge as often as possible to rinse the dirt off and not just smear it all over the toy. And it is better to dry them hanging. This usually takes about a day.
3. Attention! The toys of the series `` Doctor Myakish '' only the body of the toy can be washed. The pouch with cherry pits is not washable!
- hang dry toys
- use chemicals with caution, it is better to use soap
- if you use powder, it is better for woolen clothes
- it is prohibited to use bleach and bleaching agents
- almost all dry cleaners have a service such as cleaning toys. They use water cleaning - this is a very gentle technology. In addition, water cleaning is currently considered the most environmentally friendly method of cleaning
- from time to time you need to monitor the integrity of the soft toy and repair it. Look for a broken seam. After all, soft toys have a variety of fillers: holofiber, synthetic winterizer, light and heavy plastic granular fillings. And young children, as you know, love to taste everything. Be sure to check if small parts are firmly attached: eyes, buttons, etc.