8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru
8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru
8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru
8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru

Gastronomic Collection article from Myakishi factory

Гастрономическая коллекция
In a flutter and with care for the youngest users we created the first and the most essential toy in baby's life. The Bunny comforter from our gastronomic collection is a cuddly cute character that will become baby's true friend and will be of use in the first years of life. Tasty names of our comforters are associated with such carefree and sweet time as childhood. The collection includes Strawberry Cream, Crystal Water, Airy Cloud, Soft Mint, and Condensed Milk comforters. The following features make a comforter indispensable in everyday life: - a soft hypoallergenic material. Safety comes first! For this reason Bunny is made of natural materials; - the softest fabric that resemble mom's touch; - a quiet sleep and falling asleep alone. Baby touches the pleasant material of the comforter, relaxes, and falls asleep faster. And mom's smell gives baby a feeling of safety and protection; - an optimal size. A wraparound shape gives a feeling of mom's warm arms; - educational functions. It's interesting to explore the textured material with little fingers thus developing fine motor skills; - an ergonomic design. Even the youngest of kids can hold Bunny in their little hands; - a gift that fits everyone. Every person will like the toy owing to the abundance of colours. The comforter will be a suitable gift for infants at such events as birth, name's day, discharge from maternity home, etc.; - good memories. A comforter is the thing that after years in the wardrobe will evoke cherished memories about the happy and touching period – your child's childhood. Creating a halo of safety and calmness around your baby, we help his or her harmonious growth and formation of a healthy and strong nervous system.
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