8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru
8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru
8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru
8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru

Novelty! Stuffed Toy article from Myakishi factory

Новинка! Игрушка мягконабивная
The shark stuffed toy has a few useful properties that both adults and children will appreciate. With the plush shark baby will think of many role games that will engage baby for a long time and let parents have some rest or attend to their business. Games develop speech, thinking, fantasy, and attention. The toy is rather big which makes it more attractive for babies. Thanks to its soft and smooth material the cushion toy has distressing properties. Playing with the toy baby reduces stress and feels easy and relaxed. Also, the plush shark can be used as a decorative element of the interior adding a stylish focus to a children's room. Good as a gift for birthday, New Year, name's day, and other holidays for boys and girls.
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