Dear …, we are pleased to bring you good news! Welcome a new addition to our popular collection of toys representing favourite characters: Three Cats plush cushion toys. You would think what is the reason to expand your wide range of stuffed toys? The answer is simple. The Three Cats licensed toys series that includes the lead characters of the animated series уwill improve your financial performance. How? We'll explain below. Facts about the Three Cats animated series and toys: 1. According to Mediascope, the coverage of the children's audience aged from 4 to 6 was over 5 mln. people. 2. Over 8,000 people search Three Cats toys on Yandex monthly, and the search statistics continues to grow. 3. The Three Cats brand is actively promoted on discussion boards and in social networking services and little spectators get increasingly more interested in toys representing Karamelka, Korzhik or Kompot, the lead characters of the animated series. 4. Three Cats are recognized as the best developing franchise on the market of licensed toys with Russian characters in the quarantine period. 5. Three Cats are actively promoted via popular bloggers with 4.5+ mln. followers.* For more details about our new collection of Three Cats stuffed cushion toys please view our presentation attached to this letter. Why will people choose our kittens? 1. Size. Despite a great number of toys with the same characters, our cushion toys are on average twice bigger and that's what children like. 2. Collection. A collection of the main characters can be assembled from the Myakishi Three Cats stuffed toys. Furthermore, as far as sales promotion is concerned, collectible toys increase a profit ratio per customer, which is beneficial for all participants of the supply chain. 3. Baby development. Playing with their favourite character baby develops memory, thinking, imagination, and learns to care for their intimate friend. We'll be glad to respond to any questions, if you have any, and will be happy about new prospects for our further cooperation.