8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru
8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru
8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru
8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru

New Trend! Busy Boots!

Новый тренд! БизиБутсы!
Busy Boots for babies combine plenty of useful properties that help baby explore the world around and give free time to parents. The toy boots is a mobile alternative to a busy board. It's comfortable to take them for a stroll, drive, or a long journey thanks to their compact size. The small toy develops find motor skills with its tactile elements: - buttons; - shoe laces; - hook-and-loop fasteners; and - zippers. Fine motor skills, in turn, influence on the development of: - speech areas; - attentiveness; - patience; - spatial thinking; and - logics. High-quality hypoallergenic materials of the Busy Boots provide absolute safety for every baby. Give the funny toy boots as a gift for discharge from maternity home, name's day, or without cause to make baby delighted!
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