Suspended coffee is a kind charitable tradition that originated in Italy. A client buys two drinks, one for a needy coffee shop visitor.
A Suspended Bread Charity Event adapted to the needs of townsfolk has been launched in Borovichi by the Delicacies Shop. The idea is to pay for and "suspend" bread that is to give it for free to an unknown person who cannot afford it.
"Bread is classified as an essential commodity. Suspended Bread is a simple but very efficient way to help those people who really need it," said Marina Antonova, Head of the Antonio Family Restaurant Group and cofounder of the MYAKISHI factory. "About a month ago we launched a Suspended Coffee campaign and I want to say that the number of suspended cups is always far ahead. I'm pleased to realize that there are so many people around who are ready to help others and make their lives a little better."