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8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru
8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru
8 800 222-58-78 The call in the Russian Federation is free info@myakishi.ru

Участие в судьбе усадьбы купцов Митрофановых

Усадьба купцов Митрофановых
The Merchants Mitrofanovs Mansion is an architectural complex in the historical centre of Borovichi town, Novgorod region. The residential building was built in 1857 and it is a regional cultural heritage site. The Mitrofanovs was a rather famous name in the town. The Mitrofanovs were patrons of art and charity givers. They were members of various public commissions. They donated for social needs and God's work. After the revolution the building was nationalized and used as shared flats. In 2009 the Mitrofanovs' house started a new life thanks to the Antonovs family (Evgeniy and Marina). Its recovery and reconstruction took a few years. In the period from 2009 to 2014 all flats were purchased from owners. In 2013, the Antonovs obtained a preservation order for objects of legal protection and a restoration passport, carried out an expert examination of the monument, and ordered a restoration project with an original internal layout of the buildings. Now the merchants Mitrofanovs building houses an Italian speciality restaurant Antonio on the ground floor and a grande cuisine restaurant Most on the second floor. "We believe the most important thing was to preserve the original walls", says the current owner of the ancient mansion Evgeniy Antonov about the restoration process. "For this reason we removed modern wooden partitions in the building. All bearing walls of the building and, accordingly, the layout of the rooms remained unchanged." The entrepreneurs are going to continue improvements of the inner and adjoining territory.